Sunday, January 11, 2009
It's All So Random!
Yes, I did drop off the face of the earth, but I'm back now and ready to share! I can't even remember what I've already told you so if I repeat myself, you'll know why. The slide show is a plethora of things including a few more pictures from Christmas and New Years Eve. I've also included pictures from some road trips and hikes that I went on during the days off that I had. Henrik was here from Denmark for almost 3 weeks so we did a lot of running around. He and Cortney went on a couple of Harley rides as the temperatures were perfect for a day on the Hawgs. It was still a little to cool for me, I have to toughen up a bit I guess. One of the days Dave, Tawni's dad joined them and they rode out to Gunlock reservoir. Our hike in Snow Canyon was the first hike for me 2009 and it was fabulous. I couldn't believe I was overdressed with a turtleneck and sweater on. A couple of days later we drove up to Brianhead Ski Resort which is a little more than an hour from where I live. It was so fun seeing the snow, playing in the snow and LEAVING the snow behind! Henrik left to return home to Denmark to take care of business and to work on a project in Sweden. He'll be back in a month or so and hopes to buy a home here in the next few months. The temps in St George are now averaging in the 50's during the days so we are loving it. It only gets better from here! I loved that I could wear my sandals on New Years Day!
I took the weekend off from the second job to get some rest and instead, I played with friends and looked at houses for Henrik the entire time! It was so fun! Friday night Michelle, Sierra and I went to the Olive Garden for dinner. We all realized that we had our swim suits in our cars so we headed over to the Summit Fitness Club where we all work and went hot tubbing. Last night a whole bunch of us went to Kim and Larrys house and had our Tarot Cards read by Larry. It was great. My reading said that I have a new beginning waiting for me, but that I need to "slay some dragons" before I can begin. Hmmmmm.... The other thing he said was that I have an amazing support group that surrounds me which is so true! The downside was that he said I also have people who I trust that I shouldn't Hmmmm.... After the reading we all went to Dennys!! Yes, I said Dennys, where I had the All American Grand Slam breakfast at 11:00 at night! Ha!
The best thing about today is that it is Stella's One Year Birthday!!! I wanted to get all of this stuff posted so that after her party today I could dedicate a post just to her. It is so hard to believe one year ago today she entered our lives with a Bang! Check back soon!
I love you all, thanks for checking in on me!
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9:07 AM