Friday night was ward Temple night for Jason and Tawni so I watched Stella. My friends Craig and May came over with Kaden so the kids could have some playtime together. When Jason and Tawni got done at the temple they came over and hung out for awhile. The kids were so cute together! May made her famous spring rolls and spring roll salad for us. She goes to great lengths to make it Gluten Free for me which is so nice! It was dee-lish as always!
The other highlight of my week was getting a new Harley Davidson jacket for our rides! Henrik will be here from Denmark next week and we have several rides we are planning. Rocky from Wheeler Machinery, Cortney, Henrik and I are doing a Valentine's Poker Run on Saturday the 14th so I needed a REAL riding jacket...what do you think?
I love it! I'm all set with my helmut, boots, gloves and now a hot new leather jacket, lol! Henrik will be here for about 5 weeks so we hope to go to Salt Lake (by car, not by's way to cold up North) and Moab, UT and/or Laughlin, NV one of the other weekends on the bike. Cort wants in on those rides as well. He enjoys having someone to ride with. Dave, Tawni's Dad is selling his HD :-( and was hoping Henrik would buy it because he is looking for an additional bike to add to his HD collection of 3 (2 in Denmark, 1 in my garage). Unfortunately, he is looking for a black Deuce, the same style as Cortney and Dave's isn't black. His Heritage is great for long distance trips but the Deuce is nice for shorter day least that's the explanation I get!
Tonight is the big Hinder / Theory of a Deadman concert so I have to go get my stuff to take to the salon for the pre-concert girls makeup/hair party at Heidi's salon! If you haven't heard of them and are listening to the music that plays on my blog, the first song is one of Theory of a Deadmans. Hinder is also on there...check it out!
Pictures/videos later!!
Love you all!